I have found the perfect tea - 'Chai Green Tea'. It's the perfect blend of the spices used in Chai - fennel, cardamom, cinnamon, etc. - with your typical green tea taste. I stumbled upon it by accident this morning while roaming my mother's somewhat dusty herbal tea collection. She grinds her own Chai spices and makes her own tea but Chai is usually too milky and too thick for me. Fruity herbal tea didn't really suit me this morning either so the Chai Green Tea seemed like an interesting experiment. And what an awesome discovery! It satisfies the need for something more spicy and flavourful than a herbal tea and doesn't overwhelm your senses with too dark a steep and an overload of caffeine (for those of us who can't handle too much caffeine...). So, while continuing my attempt to read a french novel, I curled up and enjoyed the first of many rendez-vous with a cup of Chai Green Tea ;) Never underestimate the healing qualities of the perfect tea.