The lovely Hezabelle has taken on the reverb10 challenge and has inspired me to try it too. It's going to be one crazy busy month with work and christmas preparations and school applications to finish and more school applications to begin, but I thought it would be nice to have something steady to do every day. Basically you're supposed to reflect on the past year and "manifest what's next" by using daily prompts from reverb10.
I missed yesterday's so I'll do it now:
December 1 One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
2010 started with a great bang. I celebrated its arrival with a good friend in Edinburgh and then spent its first days wandering around a bright sunny and perfectly chilled London. I just turned the calendar I bought for half price at the London Transport Museum to its last page and it doesn't feel like its been a year. Yet, despite these hopeful beginnings, the year was an emotional and mental rollercoaster. By moving to France I hadn't given myself time to deal with previous years' emotional issues and I arrived in the country a bit of a nutcase. This, coupled with my worrying about the future starting around mid-February and trying to articulate all this in French to my new friends, resulted in a very stressed steph. All in all a challenging year.
By December 2011 I hope for nothing more than to be buried in a big noisy university library being a massive academic nerd - preferably in a city with underground transport or at least streetcars that go ding ding ;). I never realised how much I liked studying until I finished. I want to sit with a bunch of puffed up academics who make too much money and debate debate debate. That or in a classroom learning how to teach. I'm stupid, I need to learn more. Despite my reservations with academics and the education system, I don't know enough. In order to break the system down you have to know it first. And I'm willing to add to my pile of debt to get there.
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