Saturday, March 26, 2011

Because I think I might just self destruct if I have to endure another lunch room conversation in which, after stating that I studied Anthropology in university, I get something like, "oh ya my nephew loves that stuff, dinosaur bones and shit." NO. just NO. no.... NO dinosaurs people. NONE. Its called social science. go educate yourselves. Heres a nice little wikipedia link for you. Just... just don't emabarass yourself going on about dinosaurs anymore... I just... just can't even be bothered to correct you anymore because theres just TOO many of you. Just read a teensy bit so that you know ANTHRO ≠ dinosaurs. Ever. please.
you make me sad because its such an exciting subject and the fact that you don't even know what it is means you are missing out on so many interesting things!


John (Kevin B's friend) said...

...i creeped your blog via facebook.
I can so relate to this post. Quite a few times when people ask me what i stuided, and i say philosophy, they ask if im going to 'open a practice.'
And, one time, one of my mom's friends told me her nephew 'studied that' and now he teaches basketball to urban youth, would i be interested.

Its a crazy world out there.

steph said...

haha i forgot we were facebook friends! i had to go and check i was so confused! i know... you'd think people would know philosophy though with big names like Plato... and you know Aristotle. I think thats even sadder than not knowing about Anthro. Sad and crazy times.