Monday, June 29, 2009

my closet environmentalism

It's just so simple sometimes. I'm not an environmental fanatic, there's tons of things I still don't do to keep our planet a little healthier I admit it, but sometimes it really is just so simple. Like throwing your little paper Tim Horton's bag in the paper recycle instead of the closer and more convenient garbage can. Or remembering to fill up your water bottle in the morning instead of relying on your work's water dispensers or free water bottles (and most tap water is healthier for you anyway! unless of course you are at my cottage...).

Today I drank from a bottle of water and the whole time I was thinking about the fish in that area of the ocean where all the plastic circulates who are contaminated with little particles of plastic. I couldn't help it, the image just surfaced and all I could think about was how sick they were because I was drinking from a plastic bottle of water. I also feel bad if I forget to bring my re-usable grocery bag when I go grocery shopping. These things are just so simple to adjust to your regular habits that it just baffles me when people claim they can't or just don't bother because they don't think their effort will change anything.

But we've seen the change already with the 5 cent charge for plastic grocery bags at most stores. The fact that there are more and more people using re-usable bags out there gives me hope for the anti-plastic bottled water cause. There's just no need for bottled water. We could put all the wasted money which bottled water companies use to keep their businesses running and gear it towards providing cleaner and healthier tap water... everywhere.

Ok that's the end of my environment rant. Here are some useful/interesting links for you on plastic:

World's Biggest Garbage Dump - just some interesting facts in here.
Message in a Bottle
Plastic Ocean

Monday, June 22, 2009

"In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happenned to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do." (The Wonder Years)

Maybe not the most poetic way of putting it, but I just read it and it is true and it felt like a sentimental day. Unfortunately for us, we have no control over this. A mystery of our minds. Agreed?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Public Transit Heaven

I really like taking public transit. I own a book called "Transit Maps of the World" and everytime I see a new headline about the long proposed subway extension to York University I get excited. I also feel cool riding the trams... or streetcars... or whatever you like to call them. The new art installation at Museum station makes me happy. Today I was discussing my passion for turning all our urban centres into public transit heavens. Efficient subway service for all, proper streetcar lines above ground for the inbetweens. Interesting murals at every station too. And everyone would want to ride them because they would be much faster at getting you where you want to go than cars. Not to mention ecologically and environmentally friendly. Just the thought of Toronto as a happily efficient public transit city makes me smile. And we're getting there, slowly. The new Transit City LRT project has been approved for funding and there's a current bid for light rail trains to replace the old streetcars. On top of that, discussion about the proposed Downtown Relief Line has resurfaced. Although debates about the gains versus the costs of these projects are ongoing, the fact that efficient and more environmentally friendly transit is in the works - is even being proposed - is just simply exciting to me.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

heels night out

I don't see any problem with indulging in a little bit of dress-up sans raison every once in awhile. I bought this beautiful pair of silver and white heels at a vintage store about a month ago...

...but so far haven't had any excuse to wear them. So tonight a few of my girlfriends (also with new heels and nowhere to go) and I are dressing up and going bar hopping... solely for the purpose of heel wearing. Sometimes I wonder why I can't be one of those people who scoffs in the face of fashion and claims not to care what they wear, but when it comes down to it there's just something about finding a dress that fits you perfectly, or a sweater that's the right shade of orange (to match your red hair...), or slipping on a pair of heels that are extremely comfortable and look great. To me, style is just as relevant a form of personal and social expression as a painting or a book. It acts as a form of art that you wear on your body and how you wear and manipulate clothes to fit your style is unique to you. So instead of expressing myself through acrylics or words, tonight I'll express myself through heels. In the words of fashion icon Coco Chanel, "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous," and tonight my girlfriends and I will be both.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

online Life

This is my second attempt at starting up this blog. The first time I tried to do it anonymously. I wanted it to be a sort of outlet to write down all my thoughts and ideas, mostly my thoughts and ideas about stuff that made me angry - suburbs, facebook, the school system - I was going to update it regularly and really practise my writing, edit properly and so on. Yet, like many of my grand schemes, my upkeep of the blog sort of fizzled out and eventually... died. I can't tell you how many stories I've started, businesses I've half imagined, languages I've tried to learn, scripts I've half written and so on. I'm a chronic beginner and finishing failure. So, for this second attempt, I am not committing myself to any large-scale project or leaving myself with any grand expectations. I will write when I feel like writing and it doesn't have to be snazzy, it may just be a post about something I thought was cool and decided to share. No more, no less.

Part of the reason for the re-attempt at personal blogging is my new blog Lascaux du Monde that I started with a friend. She manages to update her personal blog quite regularly and through reading her blog, and discussing our joint one, I've started to take to blogging again. Also, as Facebook is fading as an online social network (for me at least), blogging seems to be rising and of course I don't want to get left behind...

It's interesting how online social networks tend to go in and out of fashion amongst friends. First there was MSN, which most people I know started using around middle school. We would exchange emails with eachother at school so we could go home and talk to eachother online - making plans to hang out, exchanging answers to homework, (and so on...). We were the lucky generation of pre-teens whose parents didn't really understand the internet yet or what their kids were doing with it. Then there was LiveJournal. I started using LiveJournal in high school because I was too busy to be on MSN. My friends and I kept LiveJournals as a sort of way of keeping up with what we were all doing. Even though we saw eachother every day at school we were so busy with jobs, extracurriculars and so on that we hardly had time to really talk. LiveJournal acted as a sort of personal and social outlet, we'd vent and then make party plans. Somewhere in between all this I was using other sites like which inevitably spread amongst our friends (tofurky) and other reading and writing sites. LiveJournal gave way to Facebook at the beginning of university because, as I remember one of my friends stating "It has pictures." I tried to resist it, but it just became essential, instead of someone asking you for your MSN or phone number they'll ask you for your name. So they can search you on Facebook. Events will be posted on Facebook and people won't even tell you about them to your face because they think you've already seen it on Facebook. I never liked Facebook that much, I see its good sides but we're not very compatible. And now here's, which I have to say I enjoy much more. But, like I said, I'm not 'committing' myself to anything...

I'd like to think my online life is not a very accurate reflection of my real one.