Monday, June 29, 2009

my closet environmentalism

It's just so simple sometimes. I'm not an environmental fanatic, there's tons of things I still don't do to keep our planet a little healthier I admit it, but sometimes it really is just so simple. Like throwing your little paper Tim Horton's bag in the paper recycle instead of the closer and more convenient garbage can. Or remembering to fill up your water bottle in the morning instead of relying on your work's water dispensers or free water bottles (and most tap water is healthier for you anyway! unless of course you are at my cottage...).

Today I drank from a bottle of water and the whole time I was thinking about the fish in that area of the ocean where all the plastic circulates who are contaminated with little particles of plastic. I couldn't help it, the image just surfaced and all I could think about was how sick they were because I was drinking from a plastic bottle of water. I also feel bad if I forget to bring my re-usable grocery bag when I go grocery shopping. These things are just so simple to adjust to your regular habits that it just baffles me when people claim they can't or just don't bother because they don't think their effort will change anything.

But we've seen the change already with the 5 cent charge for plastic grocery bags at most stores. The fact that there are more and more people using re-usable bags out there gives me hope for the anti-plastic bottled water cause. There's just no need for bottled water. We could put all the wasted money which bottled water companies use to keep their businesses running and gear it towards providing cleaner and healthier tap water... everywhere.

Ok that's the end of my environment rant. Here are some useful/interesting links for you on plastic:

World's Biggest Garbage Dump - just some interesting facts in here.
Message in a Bottle
Plastic Ocean

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm guilty of drinking out of plastic... I'm trying to be better, really!!